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Our Board

BGSA Board

BGSA holds monthly board meetings each month at varying locations and times. Active members in good standing of Belgrade Girls Softball are welcome to attend board meetings.  Please contact the board Secretary to confirm the meeting time and location.

Alan Larson


Phone: 4065391574

Meagan Halvorson


Phone: 406-599-5451

Carlene Griffis


Phone: 4066000629

Michelle Pena

Fundraising/Sponsorship Director

Phone: 406-209-5904

Jeff Bolton

Vice President

Phone: 406-570-9130

Kim Fulton

Apparel Coordinator

Phone: 406-490-9687

Luke Griffis

U14 Commissioner

Phone: 406-589-5120

Caitlin Swingle

U12 Commissioner

Phone: 406-581-4736

Nick Fulton

Equipment Manager

Phone: 406-490-6523

Help Needed

Concessions Manager

Jami Blossom

U10 Commissioner

Phone: 406-580-1689

Eric Goroski

U 8 Commissioner

Phone: 406-939-4782

Caitlyn Swingle

Umpire Organization

Phone: 406-581-4736

Carlene Griffis

Social Media/Communication's

Phone: 406-600-0629

Tabitha Duval

Commissioner director

Phone: 406-570-9077


Please contact a board member if you have questions regarding Belgrade Girls Softball Association. Age appropriate commissioners are the first step with questions or concerns regarding your daughter, coach or league in general.